The Visible Hell - Parts 1 and 2

Posted in: 2010
It is suggested that the February 15, 1972 Issue (Volume II - No. 22) of Plainer Words be re-read. It pertains to "The Gates of Hell," or read the updated version at:

It should be remembered that the words which the Holy Ghost uses to teach with (1 Corinthians 2:13) are the words of man, but for them to be the words of God, He has had to purify them seven times as silver is purified in a furnace (Psalms 12:6-7). The words the Holy Ghost has chosen to use have been refined and given an altogether higher meaning than that which man has assigned them. Some of the words and phrases the Holy Ghost has used, He has given them a usage that is totally different from the way man has used them. So, within the confines of the Word of God, Itself, we should look for the meanings of words and phrases which God purified.

The Working of His Mighty Power - Part I and II

Posted in: 2010
In the Old Testament, whenever God promised the children of Israel that He would perform a marvelous work, He would remind them of the great and mighty power He exerted when He delivered them from their Egyptian bondage. The Old Testament expressions for God’s mighty power of deliverance was with (1) “a mighty hand,” (2) “great or mighty power,” (3) “a stretched out arm,” and (4) “with fury poured out.” All four of these are Metonymies in which they are put for God’s “miracle working power.” When Israel faced oppression, perilous times, or even annihilation, He would remind them of how He delivered them from Pharaoh and their Egyptian bondage. Therefore, Israel could count on Him to step-in on their behalf. This act of God’s mighty power was the “Benchmark” for all of their deliverances.

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The Lord's Supper During the Day of Christ

Posted in: 2010
During the first days of the closing week of the life of Jesus, as the minister to the Circumcision, the week commenced with the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem. It was spent, largely, in the Temple. There, He spoke many parables (Matt. 21-22; Mark 12-13; and Luke 19-20); there, He delivered His tremendous arraignment of the Pharisees  (Matt. 23 and parallel passages); there, as He “sat down over against the treasury,” He beheld the people casting in their gifts and praised the poor widow who cast in her two mites above all who cast in of their abundance (Mark 12:41 and parallel passages). It was on the evening of His last day in the Temple that His disciples drew His attention to “the goodly stones and offerings” (gifts for adornment) of the building (Luke 21:5 and parallel passages) and heard from His lips the astonishing announcement that the days were coming ─ even in that generation ─ in which there should not be left one stone upon another (Verse 6 and the parallels). The prediction was fulfilled to the letter in the destruction of the Temple by the Romans in 70 A.D. But, the greater fulfillment will be in the future Day of The Lord (i.e., the consummation of the Pre-Millennial Kingdom) when “Ezekiel’s” Temple will be ravaged by the armies of Antichrist.

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The City of God During the Day of Christ

Posted in: 2010
“Behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy”
(Isaiah 65:18)
The LORD’s reference, in Isaiah 65:18, to the Jerusalem He’ll create is the Pre-Millennial Jerusalem of the Kingdom of God. This will be when the whole creation will acknowledge that Jesus Christ is LORD, to the glory of God the Father (Phil. 2:11). This will be the time that it can truthfully be said that God “hath highly exalted [Jesus Christ]” (Phil.2:9). The Apostle has designated this age as the “Day of Christ.” The phrases “The Day of Christ” (Phil.1:10; 2:16), “The Day of Jesus Christ” (Phil. 1:6), “The Day of Lord Jesus” (1 Cor. 5:5 ; 2 Cor. 1:14), and “The Day of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Cor.1:8) denotes the time period between the Dispensation of Grace and the “Parousia” of Jesus Christ.

To Make all Men See

Posted in: 2010
Some traditional Christian doctrine is based upon expressions found in the Bible, but it is completely opposite of the Truth the Word of God is conveying. This is the result of disregarding the Context in which the words or expressions are found. The structure and arrangement of the words in the Bible are perfect, just as the Truth revealed in them are. The order, arrangement, and structure of the words are Divine. It is a crime for anyone to subvert the structure and order, either by ignoring or changing it.