Continuing looking at Rule Number 2; “Truth
that belongs to a past dispensation must not be read into or interpreted of the
Present;” such as,
(d). The Different Gospels ─ Since there is much confusion today between the “Kingdom” and
the “Church” there is a natural outgrowth ─ the confusion between the various
In the last chapter, we considered the fact that TRUTH THAT BELONGS ONE
Chapter Three will continue with the second great principle in Bible study as
we follow the command to RIGHTLY DIVIDE the Word of Truth.
We acknowledge the great labors of Dr. E. W. Bullinger in his book, “How To Enjoy The Bible.” To a great extent, we will follow his outline in these essays on RIGHT DIVISION. He devoted about seventy-five pages to the development of THE ONE GREAT REQUIREMENT OF THE WORD “RIGHTLY DIVIDING” IT. This writer does not agree with of all the conclusions of the Doctor, but his labors have been entered into, and we thank the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ for those earthen vessels, such as Dr. Bullinger, who have gone on before and left us tools with which to work.
“Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: For the LORD hath spoken ...” (Isaiah 1:2)
The most significant phenomenon the world has ever known is the fact that God HATH SPOKEN. The invisible God, Whom no man “hath seen, nor can see” (1 Timothy 6:16), has spoken. In times past, God spoke in divers manners and at sundry times (Hebrews 1:1). Much of what God has spoken, He, by the Holy Spirit, has caused to be put in writing. The Writings are the Holy Scriptures—the Bible.
If we are to understand what He has spoken through the Scriptures, we must be prepared to recognize that they are “the Word of Truth.” Since they are “the Word of Truth,” the Divine manner for handling “the Word of Truth” is to “Rightly Divide” It (2 Timothy 2:15). Thus, we need to distinguish the people To Whom God Spoke, such as:
1. The Jew
2. The Gentile
3. The Church of God (Acts 2 to Acts 28)
4. The Church over which Christ is The Head
Part 2
Approximately 4000 years ago the three promises God made to Abraham have been completely fulfilled. The Three Promises were related to the three following Promises:
1. Great nation promise
2. Land promise
3. Seed Promise
The Bible informs us that about 4000 years ago the LORD chose a man by the name of Abram (later his name was changed to Abraham). God called him out in Genesis 12:1-4, and chooses to reward him. In Genesis 15:18, the LORD said that his descendants would have their own country (to wit, their own nation). That country would between the river of Egypt and the Euphrates River. This land is sometimes referred to as the Promised Land.