Dear Mountaineers,
Here are a few letters to PWO and our replies. They might be a blessing to you. We sure hope so. A lot of us could use a few blessings these days. Our replies are off-the-cuff and very informal.
Tom Ballinger
1. Readers Email
Mr. Ballinger
I have enjoyed your articles so much I would like to receive your Plainer Words on line. Your series on the Appearing of Christ, being before the Tribulation and lasting for a longer period of time, seemed to really answer a lot of questions for me. What a joy to hear someone that really teaches the truth. There are not very many out there that can answer questions correctly. I do have one more question and that is: Do you have anything that you can point to directly that suggests the possible time period of 700 years? Just curious not that it should concern me as I want to Reign with Him and not just live with Him. May the Lord Bless You and help you continue on in the work he has called you to do. Thanks
Plainer Words Reply
Dear __________,
Your Question: Do you have anything that you can point to directly that suggests the possible time period of 700 years?
Your email was most kind. Thank you very much.
I have attached a series of studies on Nebuchadnezzar, which sets forth the proposition that the Kingdom of God will probably last at least 700 years. I suggest that they be read, in order that you will know how this fact was ascertained.
I am convinced the key to understanding prophecy is encapsulated in the Book of Daniel. The key to understanding the Book is to grasp the truth God presents in Daniel Chapter Two.
A brief summary to consider as you read the studies is - when the Kingdom comes, there will be five Gentile kings, who follow one another, which God appoints to have a universal rule. They rule while the Lord is re-gathering Israel . I estimate (it is clearly an estimate) that the Gentile kings reign for 40 years each, thus covering 200 years. Nebuchadnezzar will be the 1st Monarch. He reigns in resurrection.
Then we see where the 490 years that are appointed for Israel is yet FUTURE!!! Not one day of the 490 years has taken place. These studies explains Daniel's Seventy Weeks.
I pray that you can "see" my poor presentation. There are 5 Parts to the studies on Nebuchadnezzar.
Sincerely in Christ,
Readers Reply
Hi Tom
Thank you so much for sending me your studies on the truth of interpreting the latter days. I find your works so fascinating and know they are of the Holy Spirit. I like your illustration of the light at the end of the tunnel. That is where I am at. The closer I get to the end the brighter it gets. Please send me more of your studies. I have the ones that are on the Heaven Dwellers website. Thanks again and may the Lord Bless you for your stand on rightly dividing the word of truth. It really hurts when friends and relatives reject the latest truth but you know within your heart, that which the Holy Spirit enlightens us with, is the truth.
In Christ
2. Readers Email
Dear Tom,
Thank you very much for the last few PWO studies that you have sent. And Christmas blessings to you and yours this day.
I have hesitated to ask you until now concerning your 12/13 Doctors appointment. Tom, can you share how things went? And can you tell us how you are recovering? Are you in much pain and taking medications? How has your normal activities been impacted Tom?
Before I go much farther, I wanted to ask you a favor. Can you email Chapter Four of your study titled Right Division that is posted on Heaven Dwellers. This Chapter Four cannot be accessed it seems. If there are additional chapters we would like those too.
I really appreciated your recent study, The Lo-Ammi Deception. This was excellently presented Tom. It is amazing the great lengths men, even great men will take to prove things that are not Biblically correct.
Along a similar line of thinking, I really need to re-evaluate the teaching that during the Acts period, the Apostles were expecting the imminent return of the Lord. Support for this idea seems to start from the all things common of Acts 2:44, and then verses from Acts period writings such as Rom. 16:20, II Thes. 2:2, I Pet. 4:7, Jam. 5:8, Rev. 1:1, 1:3, 22:6, 22:10 are employed to buttress this notion.
One of the most difficult things that I am finding is when reading the OT, how to distinguish between what prophecy is pre-millennial and what pertains to the period of the 1000 year reign of Christ. Tom, do you have any rules of interpretation that may be of help?
Will close this note at this point.
Blessings to you and yours,
Plainer Words Reply
Dear _________,
I consider your mail was a very special Christmas gift. Thanks so very much. Just a word about the latest report on my post operative surgery.
I am in no pain at all. I am wearing a temporary colostomy bag, called a "ILEOSTOMY." It should be removed if all goes according to schedule sometime around the first week in March.
The pathology report from the cultures taken when the cancer was removed, show that I am free from cancer. However, that is only half of the story. I had Stage III rectal cancer. Sixty to seventy percent of Stage III rectal cancers will experience a local recurrence following surgery. Therefore, it is recommended that I take a low dosage of chemotherapy for approximately seven or eight months, hopefully, with the idea of destroying any cancer cells that may develop. It would seem the percentage factor would suggest that the better part of valor would be to take the chemo instead of blindly counting on cancer not to start up again. Of course, even with the chemo administered it is no guarantee cancer will not come back. It's all in the Lord's Hands. But, I am believing, right now, that the Lord Jesus is directing me to take the chemo.
You had asked:
"One of the most difficult things that I am finding is when reading the OT, how to distinguish between what prophecy is pre-millennial and what pertains to the period of the 1000 year reign of Christ. Tom, do you have any rules of interpretation that may be of help?"
I have no specific rule or rules. Years ago, I read where Charles Welch said, something to the effect that, "We only know for sure that six verses in the Bible refer to the 1000 year period. They are found in Rev. 20:2-7. So many verses are crammed into the millennium because we don't know what to do with them. They really don't fit."
This has always stuck with me. If an OT prophecy is the least bit questionable I follow the Welch's adage and place it in the pre-Parousia Kingdom of God . Welch didn't know where to place the questionable ones. He, very late in life, told Otis Sellers he believed there might be a post-millennial Kingdom of God where these verses might fit. I cannot see, by any stretch of the imagination, the pre-millennial Kingdom should be the post-millennial Kingdom.
My view is, when in doubt - its pre-Parousia Kingdom.
It'll take me a little while to determine where we are on Chapter Four on Right Division. I spent a great deal of time prior to surgery, re-writing Right Division. I think I got through Chapter Four and ran out of time. I was in hopes to re-issue it. If I did finish Chapter Four I'll send it to you.
You are a dear friend, thanks for your kindness,
The Readers Reply
Dear Tom,
So wonderful to hear of the positive medical evaluation on your condition. Oh what tender mercies He dispenses toward us! The chemo treatments will be "no treat indeed" but I would also trend toward this preventative measure. He will continue to give you "strength for the journey".
Thank you for your response to my questions Tom. I believe your statement by Mr. Welch concerning the Millennium came from his booklet, Zion , The Overcomer and the Millennium - or least on one occasion. This is a very telling statement indeed! What I have also found curious is the number of times Mr. Welch wrote that he had at one time seriously considered - even believed I think - the idea of a pre-millennial kingdom. But ultimately he rejected it stating such things as "we defy anyone to find a loophole for any such kingdom verses 44, 45" - referring to Dan. 2. I am not sure what he meant by this. Would it have been due to the "it shall stand forever"? Or that he believed that only 21 years remains of the prophecy? He also said several times to the effect that "the only pre-millennial kingdom that could take place would be satanic." Another thing I that I found strange is that Mr. Welch did teach that John the Baptist was not Elijah and that Elijah would return. However, I never read where Mr. Welch explained when Elijah would come onto the scene and under what circumstances he would appear. This I found to be troubling.
I believe your "when in doubt" guidance is wise counsel Tom.
Shifting gears here Tom, prior to your health problems did you travel much for one-on-one teaching purposes? We would love the chance to meet with you personally and discuss the Word.
We look forward to the completion of your Right Division study series Tom. Sorry to intrude on your day. Please get lots of rest!
Plainer Words Reply
Dear ______,
To answer your question. No I haven't traveled any in the last fifteen years, for one-on-one purposes, or for any other reason. Gloria and I decided that our traveling days were over. Too much of a hassle and too expensive.
In 1975 I wrote and published a 9 1/2 x 6 inch 63 page book "A Study on RIGHT DIVISON." That is what appears on, in part, as you pointed out. I was in the process of re-writing and up-dating it before I had surgery. I had not finished the re-write of Chapter Four. In fact, there is another twenty pages to complete. Frankly I was amazed at how the Lord used this book to direct people to right division of the Word. In 1975 I had a daily radio program (15 minutes) - "The Present Truth Broadcast." The program was carried on about five radio stations - Chicago, Dallas, Mobile, Terre Haute and one or two others. I offered the Right Division book for sale to help defray the cost of broadcasting. It sold very well. A number of people over time would buy ten or fifteen books at one time in order to pass them out to their friends. They reported to me, "How the Lord used the book to open the eyes of understanding to many of their family and friends,"
As you can imagine, between 1975 and today, I have gained a greater understanding of the Word, which I hope to bring forth as I update the book.
I have a couple of more pages in Chapter Four to complete. When I do I'll pass it on to you.
Regarding the comment you mentioned Mr. Welch making about Daniel 2:44-45, I think I covered that in a study on Nebuchadnezzar, as the first God-anointed King to reign when the Pre-Parousia Kingdom is established. I am sending it as an Attachment. I will probably re-issue it as I am having many requests for it.
3. Readers Email
Hi Tom, I recieved your emails.(2 of them) peace on earth, and the star ...I enjoyed them very much...My wife and I read them together...She is new to right division, so it helps me as I show her things. It is difficult to undo the traditional teachings that we have been taught for so many years, but with Gods help we can do it. I have been a right divider for many years,
but never saw the pre-mill kingdom like you explain it. In fact I doubt that many acts 28ers are on board with you. I totally agree with you though. This understanding helps me see things in Pauls writtings that I never saw before..Especially in the books of Thess...Actually it brings much light on the first 7 epistles he wrote before the prison epistles....Hope I am making myself clear..I am new at this...Tom I hope you have a healthy new year..It was great to see you writting again.
I read what people say on the acts 28 message board, one of the post on the board is about Romans 8..I know that we are in the "church which is his body" but my question is this; Is the Holy Spirit in us? If this is a crazy question just ignore it...I know that the book of Romans is a hard book to apply to me...There are things in this book that just don't seem to fit...Tom if you already have a letter on this subject please direct me to it...I know that you are a busy man and dont have time to deal with me personally...My problem is that I was in the mid acts camp for a long time. Then I saw the acts 28 position...Now I am understanding what you are
saying about the pre-Mill kingdom which is to come before Christ second coming, and it makes sense to me...Most people are look for his coming and not his appearance....Thanks for your consideration, and I hope you and Gloria have a great, healthy new year..
God bless both of you.....
In Christ.
Plainer Words Reply
Dear _________,
It was a joy, indeed, to hear from you. I am pleased that your wife received edification from the two studies you mentioned. The biggest hurdle we all have had to overcome is the traditional teaching we received in our early learning experience.
Your words were most gracious, and deeply appreciated. I am never too busy to answer any question you might have. My answers may not always be right, but I’ll give my understanding at the time. It is with great delight to learn that your eyes have been enlightened to see the pre-millennial Kingdom of God .
I have no paper on the subject of the Spirit in our dispensation. Let me say the following, which are some off-hand remarks, for your consideration. 1).We have not been short-changed on the Holy Spirits work among believers in the Mystery. Paul uses the Spirit thirteen times alone in Ephesians. I suggest you highlight and read every reference where the Spirit begins with a capital S. It is quite revealing. 2). The Holy Spirits work among, and yes, in us, in the Dispensation of the Grace of God, is a silent work. It is unobservable. He works quietly equipping us, preparing us for the good works we will perform when the Kingdom comes, i.e., as His workmanship (Eph. 2:10). You will see much of His quite work as you go thru each 13 occurrences. He strengthens the inner man. No one sees or observes this. His work is in harmony with the fact that our life as believers are hid from the world, we are not recognized as His special people belonging to a special calling.
Colossians 3:3 sums up our impact on the world.
For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.
In Christian circles we are the Rodney Dangerfields (said in jest, we get no respect). I have often been criticized as one who views our calling as not that of a general calling, but a special calling. Certainly we are undeserving but nonetheless, a select, and chosen body. 3). Consider the work of the Holy Spirit during the Acts period, and written about in the Acts Epistles. His work was manifest throughout the period. In fact the Acts of the Apostles could rightly have been named the Acts of the Holy Spirit. Men witnessed His work. This is not true today. The Pentecostals conjure-up false spirits, which they proudly manifest and claim them to be the Holy Spirit. It is the shame to Christianity today!
This may be of some help.
Sincerely in Christ,
Dear Mountaineers
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