Plainer Words since 1968
ISSUE # 417
March 6, 2017
Ephesians 2:2
The Prisoner of the Lord Jesus Christ was inspired to record for our learning this title of Satan. In Dr. Bullinger’s “Lexicon and Concordance” he gives the definition of the word “prince,” as “one first in power, authority, or dominion; hence a ruler, lord, prince, chief person.” Therefore, Satan is the ruler or authority of the domain of the “air.”
Bullinger’s “Lexicon and Concordance” states that “power” in Ephesians 2:2 means, “allowed, one can, it is permitted, (denying the presence of a hindrance), authority to do anything with very few exceptions: combining the two ideas of right and might, it affirms that free movement is ensured to the ability.” In plainer words, Satan is the ruler who has the authority to do almost anything within the sphere of the air. As the “prince” he has the right and might to operate without hindrance in the air. He is allowed this authority by Christ Jesus Himself.
“Air” means the “fluid which we breathe. Air is inodorous, invisible, insipid, colorless, elastic, possessed of gravity, easily moved, rarefied, and condensed” (Webster’s Dictionary, the 1828 Edition). Dr. Bullinger also stated that the word “air” means, “the celestial fluid above the earth”
The “International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia”states, “AIR - (ar) (aer): In the Old Testament "air" is used (with one exception) in the phrase "fowl" or "fowls (birds) of the air." The Hebrew word is usually rendered "heaven" or "heavens." According to ancient Hebrew cosmogony the sky was a solid dome (firmament) stretching over the earth as a covering. In the above phrase the air means the space between the earth and the firmament.”
Satan is our enemy. He operates as the authority in the realm of the air..
“Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the PRINCE OF THE POWER OF THE AIR, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience” (Ephsians 2:2)
Satan, as the “Prince of the Power of the Air,” generates unbelievable force as he controls and directs the “course” or flow of this world. How does he do it? The Bible tells us that he has untold myriads of spiritual beings at his command. There are devils, demons, lying spirits, evil principalities, evil powers, evil mights, evil thrones, evil dominions, and fallen angels. To all of these beings he is their prince, their ruler; he is the chief of all of these beings.
Satan also has human devotees who worship and pay homage to him as “Lucifier.” “Lucifer” is only mentioned once, by name, in the Bible; see Isaiah 14:12). New Unger’s Bible Dictionary gives good insight into “LUCIFER” which is quoted below:
“LU'CIFER (lu'si-fer; Heb. helel, "brightness").This designation, referring to Satan, is the KJV rendering of NASB, "star of the morning," that is, "bright star" (Isa 14:12-14), probably what we call the "morning star" ( NIV). As a symbolical representation of the king of Babylon in his pride, splendor, and fall, the passage goes beyond the Babylonian prince and invests Satan, who, at the head of this present world-system is the real though invisible power behind the successive world rulers of Tyre, Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome. This far-reaching passage goes beyond human history and marks the beginning of sin in the universe and the fall of Satan and the pristine, sinless spheres before the creation of man. Similarly Ezekiel (Ezek 28:12-14), under the figure of the king of Tyre, likewise traces the fall of Satan and the corruption of his power and glory. In the Ezekiel passage Satan's glorious and splendid unfallen state is described. In Isa 14:12-14 his fall is depicted. In both passages representation is not of Satan as confined to his own person but working in and consummating his plans through earthly kings and rulers who take to themselves divine honors and who, whether they actually know this or not, rule in the spirit and under the aims of Satan. Daniel 10:13 and Ephesians 6:12 shows that there are human as well as superhuman agencies in world governments in the satanic world system.” (From The New Unger's Bible Dictionary. Originally published by Moody Press of Chicago, Illinois. Copyright (c) 1988.)
Our enemy is the architect, the engineer, the dictator, even the commander of the course of this lost world. In addition to all of these things he is the leader who heads up all spiritual and human opposition to the Word of Truth, rightly divided. Satan is the adversary of the Church over which Christ Jesus is the Head. He energizes all opposition against this Church as well as its members. For that reason we are to—KNOW OUR ENEMY!
Later in this issue more will be said about the Luciferians and their impact on the world we live in.
Prior to the end of “The Acts of the Apostles” the Apostle Paul used the Metaphor of “warfare” to describe the battles the Church of God and its members were engaged in during the Acts Period with its enemy—Satan. 2 Corinthians is an epistle of Paul’s. It was written during the Pentecostal Dispensation i.e., before Acts 28:28. The magnificent Mystery (Eph. 3:3-4) had not yet been made known until after the events of Acts 28. Paul made known that the Acts Period Church was in spiritual combat with the forces of darkness. He explains the warfare in 2 Corinthians 10:3-5;
“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” (2 Cor. 10:3-5).
Paul was saying, in plainer words, “we” (including Paul himself, and the members of the Church of God) may live in this world, but [they] didn’t wage war as the world does. The weapons [they] used to fight with are not weapons soldiers of this world use. Our weapons, by contrast, have heaven’s power; which was mighty enough to demolish the enemy’s spiritual fortresses—the weapons Paul had reference to was prayer!
The Pentecostal saints had been schooled in the tactics of Satan’s fight by their Apostle Paul. He wrote to the members of the Body of Christ at Corinth and reminded them that they were not ignorant of Satan’s stratagems;
“Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.” (2 Corinthians 2:11).
For we, too, are not ignorant of his devices. Today we, like the Acts Period saints, know his plans, his thoughts, his cunning, and his skill. We are not ignorant of the great number of stratagems which he is constantly using to injure us, and to destroy the psyche of people.. Satan is full of tricks; and Paul had abundant occasions to become acquainted with the various means which Satan used against the Acts Period Church. The Church, at all times, has been subjected to the influence of those wiles, as well as individual Christians. And the church, therefore, as well as individual Christians, should be constantly on its guard against those snares. Even the best and purest efforts of the Church are often perverted, as in the case of administering discipline to members.the worst results; and by the imprudence and lack of wisdom; by the rashness or overheated zeal; by the pretensions to great purity and love of truth; and by a harsh, severe, and censorious spirit, Satan often takes advantage of the Church, and advances his own dark and mischievous designs. (from Barnes' Notes; Barnes doesn’t distinguish between the Church of God during the Acts Period and today’s Church, over which Christ is the Head).
Satan’s Grand design is not to see how many Christians he can lead astray. His grandiose design is far more grotesque than causing members of the Church over which Christ is the Head to fail and fall short of the Glory of God. Satan is competing against us. We recognize that our God and Savior is the Lord Jesus Christ. Satan, has held the title as the god of this world for over 2000 years. If the gospel is hid it is hidden from the lost.
“But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In Whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them” (2 Corinthians 4:3-4).
The “god of this world’ has a large and wealthy following I have known of them most of my adult life But I never wanted to give them the credit for being the force that they are in this world they are known as—the Illuminati. Their god is Lucifer. Their goddess is Isis. The Statute of liberty is a statue of Illuminati’s goddess Isis. The Illuminati founded the New World Order. The Illuminati founded the Bilderburgers in 1954. The Bilderburger organization was made up with a number of the Illuminati’s Black Nobility.
This title, “The Black Nobility” is made up of some of the world’s wealthiest people. They are the leaders of the Illuminati. They earned this title—the Black Nobility—from their ruthless lack of scruple. They have employed murder, rape, kidnapping, assassination, robbery, bribery, extortion and all manner of deceit on a grand scale. All members of this “nobility” possess immense wealth—money is power!
The powerful families are mostly from Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Britain, Holland and Greece. A few of the wealthiest Americans families are members, such as the Rockefellers. For more information on the Black Nobility see:
Former President George Herbert Walker Bush was (and still is) a Luciferian, and a New World Order advocate. The NOW (Illuminati’s agenda is to turn reality upside down. They control the mass media, public Education systems, higher education. They smear patriots, as bigots. They control the corporate cartels. They seek to deprive the White Christian Heterosexual (WCH) by empowering the racial and sexual minorities using the pretext of “human rights.” Majorities have no rights. The Lusciferian program is to destroy the four pillars upon which Western Civilization is founded. The four pillars are (1) the Christian religion (2), the white race (3), our nation (the U.S.A.) and (4), the family.
The effort to have transgender rest rooms, and making normal the likes of LGBT’s. is a concerted effort by the Illuminati faction of this society to bring about a collapse of the United Sates of America. There is an on-going effort and is meeting with some success to have the words “mother” and “father” removed from family vocabularies..
It seems apparent that the U.S.A. is on it’s knees awaitng the knock-out punch, the prince of the power of the air is dancing around the ring looking for the opening to land the final knock-out-punch to
America’s jaw.
Right along these lines, I received the following from Gary Gifford in an email regarding an article he had read concerning, “How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trump’s presidency | New York Post.”
Gary wrote, “Tom, It is unbelievable what is going on behind the scenes and overtly. It’s all-out war on Trump, law and order and the constitution! Every evil bird is coming out from the shadows and every filthy cockroach is crawling out from the cracks. This country is doomed. And when the US fails I believe the world is going to turn into a bloodbath which will necessitate the Lord to step in and initiate the Pre-Millennium Kingdom.
Love to you all……….Gary”
Western Civilization, the Church which is His body, and individual members like you and me are under attack in various forms some forms. The Devil uses devices designed to beat us down or wear us out to such an extent that at times we might feel like “calling it quits”—with the thought that our enemy, the devil, might just leave us alone if we altar our walk. I for one dare not give up. The following verses certainly encourages me to be rooted and built up in Christ, and established in the faith and endeavoring to abound therein with thanksgiving (Col. 2:7).
“Put on the whole armour of God, that ye [you and me] may be able TO STAND AGAINST THE WILES OF THE DEVIL” (Eph. 6:11).
“For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us” (Rom. 8:18).
15 For all things are for your sakes, that the abundant grace might through the thanksgiving of many redound to the glory of God. 16 For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. 17 For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; 18 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. (2 Cor.4:15-18).
In our next issue we hope to recognize Satanic Agents and the efforts they exert in trying to bring about the MORAL COLLAPSE of this nation.
Copyright© 2017 by Thomas L. Ballinger
Tom L. Ballinger
1031 Wilson Road
Lancaster, TX 75146
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From Plainer Words
Know the enemy - Part 2
Posted in:
By Tom L. Ballinger
Mar 7, 2017 - 12:32:47 PM
Mar 7, 2017 - 12:32:47 PM
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